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Colonial Seaport of Southport


The old seaport of Southport -worst states retire. Trouble viewing this email? Click this link
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 Topretirements eNewsletter
 November 18, 2009

In This Issue...

  • Beautiful Santa Barbara, CA
  • The Worst States to Retire?
  • Bike-Friendly Fort Collins, CO
  • The Old Seaport - Southport, NC

  • November 18, 2009
    Pictured above: Fishing pier in old Southport, NC
    This newsletter will be sent out on Tuesday instead of Wednesday next week because of Thanksgiving. 
    Are you living (or planning on) an unusual retirement lifestyle?  We are gathering material for an article and/or book about creative, different, and fulfilling lifestyles in retirement. If you know of an interesting retirement, your own or someone else's, please contact us. Or better yet, post in the "Best Retirement  Lifestyles" Forum Post.
    The thing about Santa Barbara is that, after you get one good look at it, why would you want to live anywhere else? It's beautiful and the climate is pleasant; has great shopping, architecture, and beaches; even a history.  There's only one drawback - it's so nice that real estate is out of this world. Still, if you have the money...
    Is Your New Retirement State Solvent?
    The Pew Center for the States has put out an alarming report about the fiscal health of many of our states.  It highlights 10 states, including California, that face serious problems with declining revenues, high debt, and seemingly intractable problems. Before you retire to one of these (or remain in one) you might want to see what you are up against.
    Fort Collins, CO
    It was named best small city in America by Money Magazine. If you like biking, check out 143 miles of bike lanes. Plus, the Rockies await your outdoor exploits. It's easy to see why Fort Collins is such a popular retirement destination.
    Check out Fort Collins

    (Under each town you will see a list of active adult communities)
    Thinking about Orlando?
    The Orlando area is so big you need a little guidance to get you started. This new site can help.
    Southport, NC
    Southport was an active seaport in colonial times and remains one of the few active fishing villages in North Carolina.  Movies and TV shows like Dawson's Creek were shot here because it is so picturesque.
    Explore old Southport
    Take our free interactive quiz and find your best place to retire. Answer 11 questions, get an instant report based on your preferences.


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